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Unclaimed Money Oklahoma: How to Find Unclaimed Money in Oklahoma

Unclaimed Money Oklahoma: How to Find Unclaimed Money in Oklahoma
November 11, 2022

The State of Oklahoma reserves the right for its residents to easily access unclaimed money in their name. 


As a result, you can be one of the recipients of the more than $585 million held by the state as unclaimed money. 


This post gives insight into what unclaimed money means and how to find unclaimed money in the State of Oklahoma.

What is Unclaimed Money in Oklahoma?

The state law in Oklahoma is similar to what is in play in many other states in the United States. 


When people refer to unclaimed money, it simply means financial assets abandoned by the rightful owner and such money or assets moved into the government's custody. 


Several assets fall under this category, involving items like bonds, refunds, checks, and insurance payouts, among other things. 

Oklahoma has a set period of three years, the period after which dormant or inactive accounts are transferred to the state government. 

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As contained in the Oklahoma Statutes Annotated Section 84-315, the process for transferring assets to the state government after the idle period is called escheatment.

The responsibility of managing unclaimed money after escheatment falls within the office of the Oklahoma State Treasurer's Office. 


The office also handles the process of reconnecting residents of Oklahoma with their unclaimed money. 


People who are owed unclaimed money can look for information on potential unclaimed funds and property in the state treasurer's internet database. 

How to Find Unclaimed Money in Oklahoma?

To effectively manage the process of finding unclaimed money and laying a claim, the Oklahoma State Treasurer's Office runs an Unclaimed Property Division Online Database. 


The online database is a comprehensive repository constantly updated to contain the names of every individual or business entity with unclaimed money in the state.

The first point of contact to find unclaimed money in Oklahoma is by visiting the online database. 


The process of using the database is simplified. You only need the owner's or business's first and last names to start. For more effective results, you might narrow your search using specific details like zip code and the owner's city.

Asides from the search conducted on the online database, you can also perform an in-person search at the State Treasurer's Office. 


You need to show a valid photo ID and proof of address before you are granted access to the search. 

a woman's hand signing forms


Sometimes you might also be required to provide a brief description of the asset you are searching for to help make the search easier. 

Another alternative to finding unclaimed money in Oklahoma is the mail-in query option. 


This involves sending complete information about the unclaimed money or assets you are looking for to the State Treasurer's Office using the following address:

Unclaimed Property Division
Oklahoma State Treasurer
9520 N. May Ave., Lower Level
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
(405) 521-4273
Office Hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Mon. – Fri.
E-mail: [email protected] 

Is the Process for Finding Unclaimed Money Free in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma does not charge anyone for searching for unclaimed money; the search process is completely free. 


In addition, the online database that holds all the data is maintained by the Treasurer's Office, and it is open to the entire public.

There are many other free federal and state ways to find unclaimed money. 


These include checking individual agencies like the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 

The disadvantage of checking through respective agencies is that you are only provided information about unclaimed money returned to the state by the agency alone. 


For instance, the IRS will only report your unclaimed tax refund independently and not your other unclaimed assets that might be in the custody of the Treasurer's Office.

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How Do I Claim Unclaimed Money in Oklahoma?

An Oklahoma Unclaimed Money Claim Form can be downloaded from the state online database. 


The form allows you to provide some required personal information and details to claim unclaimed money in the state. Some of the required information on the form include the owner's full name and Social Security Number. 


In addition, for individuals who are laying claims on behalf of other people, you need to prove a relationship or show authorization. 

In addition to the completed form, you must submit copies of a photo ID and proof of your Social Security Number. Afterward, the request form can be submitted in person or via mail to:

Office of the State Treasurer,
Unclaimed Property Division,
9520 N. May Ave., LL,
Oklahoma City, OK 73120

Depending on the type of claim and the proper supporting documents submitted, the treasurer's office typically responds to requests within 90 days. After that, the request can either be rejected or approved. 


Finding and laying claims to unclaimed money in Oklahoma is free from stress. 


The Office of the Treasurer manages the entire process after such money has been escheated to the state. 


In addition, the office operates an online database that allows you to search for your name among the record of unclaimed money and also submit a claim form. 

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