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Inmate Search in South Carolina: How to Locate Inmates in South Carolina

Inmate Search in South Carolina: How to Locate Inmates in South Carolina
August 7, 2022

There are over 20,000 inmates in 21 correctional facilities in South Carolina. Depending on whether the inmate is incarcerated in state-run prisons or county-managed jails, you can typically locate them and their records on official websites, or by visiting the county jail in which they're held. 


You can also find inmates (or request their records) in any holding institution in South Carolina by telephone or mail. In this article, we've explained all the ways of finding inmates and inmate records in South Carolina. 


Information on South Carolina Inmate Records


Inmate records in South Carolina are typically created and managed by law enforcement departments in the state.


By explanation, inmate records are official and typically confidential documents that provide information (both personal and administrative) pertaining to inmates incarcerated in any of the state's correctional facilities.


In them, you'll find such information as the name of the inmate, their age, and their state-assigned registration number.


Also listed in these records are such details as the inmate's current status, information relating to their offense and incarceration, and the address of the holding facility in which they're incarcerated. 


a metal fence



Records of inmates in state-run prisons in South Carolina are kept by the South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC).


The SCDC maintains a database of inmate records which is accessible to members of the public through the department's online inmate locator tool. You may search for an inmate with their name or state-assigned registration number.


People who cannot make use of that option may obtain inmate records by mail, by sending a written request to the below address: 


4444 Broad River Road

P.O. Box 21787

Columbia, SC 29210

(803) 896-8500

[email protected]


Results that would be provided from an inmate lookup will contain names, date of imprisonment, anticipated release dates, the offense that led to detention, and pictures.  


How You Can Locate Inmates In South Carolina Prisons


For members of the public who wish to locate an inmate in any correctional institution in South Carolina, there are a few simple steps to follow.


A detailed inmate inquiry in South Carolina is available to the citizens of South Carolina online or through the dedicated phone numbers of the county jail in which their search subject is held. 


The South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) maintains a comprehensive database of inmates in the state and provides an online inmate locator tool for easy and convenient access.


a police department


Individuals who wish to find data and other details on a person in prison may do so by utilizing the inmate locator tool. To search for inmates with this tool, you'll need to know the subject's full name or their SCDC number.


Alternatively, you may get in touch with the department through their officially dedicated phone number (866) 727-2846 and make your request by telephone. 


About South Carolina Jail Records


South Carolina jail records are the complete state-held records of an individual’s criminal past. It includes details on all pertinent issues about an individual's record of run-ins with the law.


This record shows the offense that led to the imprisonment of the inmates in the first place—their scheduled release dates, etc.


Jail records in South Carolina also give information about a subject's other past; it will show whether they have been of good behavior In jail or caused further troubles in prison.


the inside of a prison



How to Find an Inmate in South Dakota Jails:


People convicted of minor offenses and consequently sentenced to less than a year are sent to county jails in South Carolina.


County jails are not under the jurisdiction of the SCDC, so, records of inmates in these jails will not turn up in the SCDC database. 


To locate inmates in South Carolina jails, you'll need to check the jail roster provided and maintained by the county jail in which the inmate is held.


Some county jails have an online inmate lookup tool on their websites, and you can search for inmates by their name or identification number.


In county jails where this online feature is not offered, you can find jail inmates by visiting the jail in person, or by placing a call to the county's sheriff's department. 


a 3D illustration of search bars



Through Third-party Websites


As a result of the open nature of public records in South Carolina, third-party websites have taken the initiative.


They are providing information to public members who seek to locate persons of interest to them.


Third-party websites are privately owned; they have no affiliation with the government or government institutions.


People who seek to find a person through this website must have to pay a specified amount of money. Then they would be allowed free or limited access to the website(depending on the amount paid). 


The website should have a space provided where users would input the name and other essential details of the person they wish to find; the website would then scan through its database and get the results of persons or even the specific individual of interest.


The locator will then choose the effect that they want.

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