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North Dakota People Search

North Dakota People Search
July 5, 2022

North Dakota is home to almost 800,000 people. It’s not the largest or most populous, but finding someone with those odds does not sound like a cakewalk, particularly if you don’t have many details about them to start with. 

Thankfully, the friendly state public records act, on the one hand, and third-party persons search services that take full use of these acts, on the other, make this process easier. 


As a result, identifying someone in North Dakota may be as simple as going to a government office, mailing letters, or utilizing a search engine.


If you need to find someone in North Dakota quickly, we've looked into the options in this article:


Websites for Finding People in North Dakota


There is no question that third-party sites are the most convenient and straightforward alternative on this list for those who tend to avoid dealing with paperwork. 


There is a tremendous amount of data saved about North Dakotans and people from all over the world on these websites. Thousands of public records are accessible to them, and they can help you find anyone in North Dakota for free.


a woman holding a mobile phone

You may also go through their online directories to locate what you're looking for because they're generally available to the public. 


The person's name and present or last known address will almost probably be requested. Some organizations may need the requester to disclose their address.


Once you've finished those steps, click the search icon, and a list of results will display quickly. One of the results will almost certainly be precisely what you're looking for, making the remainder of your search much easier.


North Dakota Court Records


As a matter of constitutional right, the public in North Dakota has the right to view and copy all court documents. 


Departments and agencies of the government, including courts, are required to provide public access to documents and records in their possession. 


However, records that are sealed or confidential by law are exempt. There are also provisions for certain details in delinquency or criminal cases to be sealed at the request of the perpetrators.


a room filled with boxes

Court records in North Dakota may be accessed in two ways, by submitting a written request or by checking them online. 


When attempting to get court documents in North Dakota, the first step is to determine the kind of case and the court to which it belongs. 


The Supreme Court of North Dakota has three permanent court levels, with a temporary fourth, the Court of Appeals, sitting at the discretion of the Supreme Court.


Those who are interested can go to the municipal courthouses and seek copies of the court documents that are in their possession. The fees levied by the various Municipal Courts vary. 

North Dakota Birth and Death Records


In North Dakota, public access to birth records is prohibited until 75 years have passed after the birth. 


People seeking access to this record before then will have to provide solid proof of connection with the subject or legal proof that identifies them as an authorized representative of the person in question. This is also the case with death records in North Dakota.


The North Dakota Division of Vital Records keeps track of birth records in the state. 


The state office keeps records dating back to 1870, while birth records from 1870 to 1920 are missing. Each certified copy costs $15 and can be filed online, by mail, or in person at the state office.


a stack of papers that read certificate of vital records

Fill out the birth record application form and mail it along with a check or money order made out to the North Dakota Department of Health. 


Then, include the application package in a self-addressed stamped envelope with an approved form of identification. A death certificate search can be done online, or a record request can be mailed or picked up in person if the requester is eligible.


Death certificates cost $15 each, with additional copies ordered at the same time costing $10 each.

North Dakota Employee Directory


You may find this option particularly useful if the person in question is an employee working for one of North Dakota's Departments, Agencies, Offices, or Divisions. A majority of these companies keep records of their employees' phone numbers.


Consequently, if the individual works in any of these areas, you can locate them using this online resource.


In some cases, state workers may request that their contact and email addresses be removed from the database. 


As a result, if you want immediate assistance in North Dakota, this is not the ideal option.


a man looking at a computer screen that displays people


North Dakota Marriage and Divorce Records 


A central repository for marriage records is maintained by the state's Department of Health (DoH). Public marriage records can be obtained from this state office or from the county where the marriage license was issued. 


In any case, the requester is responsible for any expenses associated with obtaining certified copies of marriage records, as decided by the record custodian.


The county where the divorce decree was granted is where you must apply for a North Dakota divorce record.

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