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North Carolina Mugshots: Guide to Finding Mugshots in New York

North Carolina Mugshots: Guide to Finding Mugshots in New York
July 18, 2022

Whenever a person is arrested by the police or a law enforcement officer on account of criminal activity, such person will eventually have their mugshots taken.

These mugshots help to attach the face behind every crime, perhaps so that they'll be easily recognized by the victims of the crime, the public, or other investigating authorities. 

Members of the public may have reason to search for the mugshots of anyone in North Carolina. When seeking these mugshots, the best place to search are reports generated by law enforcement agencies.


In the case of North Carolina, the state's Freedom of Information Act and the relaxed nature of its public record system make getting mugshots pretty straightforward. Here, we've suggested a few measures to employ when trying to get a mugshot in North Carolina.


Can I Explore North Carolina Arrest Records?


Arrest records in North Carolina contain detailed and specific information about offenders in the state, making them one of the most logical places to look for mugshots.


An arrest record is typically included in a person's North Carolina criminal record, and arrest records are a key fixture in each record-holder's criminal history. 


a 3D illustration of a mugshot backdrop


In North Carolina, both the courts and the law enforcement agency that made the arrest keep records of arrests and information related to them. Additionally, the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) tracks arrests in the state.


Where Can I Get North Carolina Arrest Records?


There are a few options that you can try out in your search for arrest records in North Carolina.


You may either carry out an online search on the North Carolina Department of Public Safety’s website or pay a physical visit to the sheriff’s office in the place where the arrest was made. 


If the arrest or offense took place in a county or jurisdiction in North Carolina, the requestor can fill out the Criminal Record Request Form (Form AOC-CR-314) and mail it to the clerk of the superior court in that county or jurisdiction in order to receive a copy of the arrest record. Additionally, inquiries can be directed to:


North Carolina Department of Public Safety

P.O. Box 29500

Raleigh, NC 27626-0500


handcuffs, bullets and coins on a sheet of fingerprints


If one wants to search for arrestees on the North Carolina Department of Public Safety website, it is necessary to have the arrestee's personal information at hand.


There are a variety of search criteria available on the website, including the offender's name, birth date, age range, offender ID, gender, ethnicity, and race. 


Moreover, you will need to know if the subject is currently incarcerated, on bond, or on probation.


Can I Check North Carolina Criminal Records?


Criminal records in North Carolina also contain detailed information about offenders in the state.


So, if your subject has committed any offense for which they have been convicted in the state, their mugshots are likely to turn up when you search this way. 


A variety of organizations, including courts, prisons, detention facilities, municipal and state law enforcement, and others prepare them.


A criminal record typically contains data related to the crime, the offender, and the criminal case in addition to the offender's arrest and conviction records. 


Where to Obtain North Carolina Criminal Records


Criminal records requests in North Carolina (whether the subject is yourself or someone else) have to be done in person and charges will usually apply.


To request a certified criminal record search, you’ll need to pay a visit to the clerk of court’s office of your local county superior court.


There, you’ll be required to fill out and print Form AOC-CR-314. Once you’ve completed the form, you must attach the charge ($25) and submit your application to the clerk’s office. You may also submit it by mail.




The clerk's office of the county superior court also offers people the opportunity to check their criminal records for free. 


Using this search will result in free, instant court records. It is important to note, however, that the records are not certified, and printing costs may apply.


Can I Use North Carolina Inmate Records?


You can also find mugshots of specific individuals in North Carolina by consulting the state’s inmate records. Your subject must be in (or must have passed through) the state’s prison system for this to be an option.


North Carolina's inmate records provide information about those who have been incarcerated or confined to state prisons and local jails.


Information about inmates' incarceration and eventual release is contained in jail records. 


The North Carolina Department of Public Safety (NC DPS) is in charge of all matters related to the operations of all the prisons in the state.


As part of its responsibilities, it manages 56 adult detention facilities and institutions throughout the state.


a woman's hands typing on a laptop

Steps to Accessing North Carolina Inmate Records


You may perform an online search of inmates in North Carolina by using the NC DPS’ inmate locator or by paying a visit to the jail where your subject is being held and requesting their records in person.


To use the free inmate search tool, visit the NC DPS website and locate the tool, then provide necessary details about the inmate. 


North Carolina's local jails are administered by sheriff's offices and police departments. The public can conduct an inmate lookup by contacting these local law enforcement agencies, with each maintaining its own jail and inmate data.

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