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Warrant Search Illinois: How to View Warrant Records in Illinois

Warrant Search Illinois: How to View Warrant Records in Illinois
September 4, 2022

There are several ways by which a person might come under the radar of law enforcement agencies. While some people have some sort of unfinished history with law enforcement officers, others recently have roles in an active criminal infraction or one that has the potential to be so. 


If after their preliminary investigations, the police deem it necessary to bring such persons into custody, their first move would be to obtain a warrant to that effect.

So if you've been involved in a situation that makes you suspect that the police might be on your tail, it'd be best for you to make the right moves to avert an arrest. 


One such move is to check if there are any warrants issued against you, this is so that you can start planning your defense.


Early knowledge of the warrant is crucial to successfully challenging it before it can be executed, so you don't risk an unexpected encounter with the police, at home, school, work, or anywhere else. 


This article shows you how to search for warrants in the state of Illinois, read on and find out how. 

handcuffs next to a paper folder, pencils and a criminal record

What Is A Warrant In Illinois?

With a warrant in hand, the Police have the power to make random arrests, searches, and questioning on the job, whether it is during a routine traffic incident, a crime scene, or a completely unprovoked situation. 


And although you on the other hand have your constitutional rights to be respected, you may not be in a position to offer any form of resistance to the police. 


This is because the warrants usually bear the signature of a judge or magistrate, people who have the legal powers to override your liberties.


First, the police must prove to the judge or magistrate that there's probable cause to necessitate their interest in the warrant request. This is facilitated by their submission of verifiable evidence, witness statements, and data showing that a person or their property is critical to a criminal inquiry. 


Once they've convinced the judge and collected the warrant, they can now arrange to execute it before it becomes invalid. In Illinois, warrants can be found in the sources discussed below. 

a note that reads criminal records on a computer keyboard

At The Courthouse

For some people, the courts are probably the first place that they settle for in their bid to find warrants issued against them. This is mostly helped by the fact that judges and magistrates are responsible for issuing warrants in the first place. 


The courts usually keep copies of these warrants in case files archived in print-based or electronic databases.


If the court in question has an online case-checking database, you do not necessarily have to visit the court. You only need to check if the court's website has a case search feature—one where you can find cases filed in your first and last name or case/docket number. 


A successful search should reveal if you have any settled or active warrants, and you make further plans with this information. 

a police warrant file with a pen on it

Criminal History Information Response Process (CHIRP)

Through the Criminal History Information Response Process (CHIRP), the state of Illinois offers its residents the opportunity to carry out background checks on themselves. 


People who have a history with the law can check if there are any outstanding warrants in their name. Others who suspect that the Police have something on them can also find out if there's a warrant to that effect.


This information is available to the public upon request, as specified by The Uniform Conviction Information Act (UCIA). 


So if the police or the Bureau of Investigation has warrants issued against you, you can find them at their respective websites using the instrument of the CHIRP platform. 

Law Enforcement Agencies 

"Wanted Persons" as designated by the state of Illinois or the US at large have their profile in the public domain—on the websites of law enforcement agencies. 


From the websites of the FBI, DEA, and the US Marshall among others to the Illinois State Police and the Sheriff's Office across the counties, there is no shortage of places where you can find their profile. 


a magnifying glass over the words search warrant and next to a pen and glasses


The Illinois police can allow you to check its "Access and Review Record" at no cost, although a fingerprint service will require a small processing fee. You can explore this route to find warrants issued against someone else or yourself.


Many of the County Sheriffs in Illinois run websites that feature warrants issued on residents who violate state law. For example, Lake county's sheriff's office has incorporated an offender search feature on its website. 


By providing a name, gender, or birth date in the designated search fields, you can find out if you have any warrants on record. 

Third-Party Websites 

With just your name and the state or county where the warrant was issued, you can find warrants on third-party websites such as this. 


You can run a background check on this website and come across warrants in the search results if you have an outstanding case with law enforcement. The results in question are culled from a vast stock of public records, with arrest, criminal, and court records ranking as the biggest sources.

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