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How to File for Divorce in Florida: The Complete Guide

How to File for Divorce in Florida: The Complete Guide
January 3, 2023

Florida is one of a few U.S. states with the highest divorce rates, which is why the question of how to file for divorce in Florida has been one of the most popular questions in the past decade. 


There are many aspects that the process of filing for divorce in Florida involves. 


That is why this article will examine some of them and answer the questions such as how much to file for divorce in Florida costs. 


Additionally, the requirements to file for divorce in Florida will also be examined in this article.

How to File for Divorce in Florida online?

You need to familiarize yourself with a few terms before filing for divorce in Florida. A person filing for divorce is called the petitioner, and a person accepting or denying the request is called the respondent.

Multiple points need to be clarified before filing for divorce in Florida online, such as residency, grounds for divorce, children, and spousal debt or property.

If minor children are involved, you have to define how the custody of the child is split and who will attend the parent education classes.

It is recommended to define the grounds for divorce before checking how to file for divorce in Florida online. According to Florida state law, Florida is one of the states which recognizes the no-fault ground to file for divorce in Florida. 

cut out paper in the shapes of a man. a woman and a house with a question mark inside


In other words, it is possible to state the "irretrievably broken marriage" or "incompatibility" as a reason to file for divorce in Florida. Of course, the petitioner would need to prove these grounds with specific documents. 


Another ground possible to file for divorce in Florida is the mental incapacity of one of the spouses. In this case, the court must appoint a special guardian to defend the interests of the mentally incapacitated spouse.

Additionally, before checking how to file for divorce in Florida, you must ensure that at least one of the spouses must be a state resident. 


The requirement is as follows: the residency in Florida only applies if at least one of the spouses has lived in Florida for at least six months before filing for divorce in Florida. 

Please note that there are two types of possibilities for how to file for divorce in Florida online: a simplified and regular dissolution. 


The first is the least time and money-consuming way. It can only happen if both spouses agree on all issues of distribution of marital property and debt before filing for divorce in Florida. 


Another requirement to file for divorce in Florida with a simplified procedure requires the absence of minor children or pregnancy. 


Unlike the simplified procedure of filing for divorce in Florida, a regular one does not require a spouse to agree on either of the major points.

Florida Courts Website |(

For those, who are interested in how to file for divorce in Florida online, it is always recommended to use the website mentioned above. 


The website provides an instruction manual on how to file for divorce in Florida online, which steps depend on the case, and how much to file for divorce in Florida costs.

a woman's hand putting a wedding band in a man's hand


Step-By-Step Guide: How to File for Divorce in Florida Online:

1. Submit the Marriage Dissolution Petition
2. Check which forms you need to fill out in your case
3. File all required forms
4. Pay the court fee

How Much to File for Divorce in Florida Costs?

The costs of filing for divorce vary enormously depending on the case. You need to consider the following points if you want to calculate how much filing for divorce in Florida costs in your particular case:

- Court Fees

You will be charged a fee to submit the Dissolution of Marriage form. The court fees vary greatly depending on the state and county.

- Attorney Cost

If you need to use the attorney`s services in case of a contested divorce, you must add the expenses to the total amount. Attorneys charge different hourly rates depending on the case, experience, and county. 


You can always request an estimation of the total amount of money you would have to spend before filing for divorce in Florida.

- Mediation Fees

In uncontested divorce cases, a couple will get a mediator appointed by the court. 


The mediator fees vary greatly depending on the case and its complexity. Ensure to include this data when calculating how much to file for divorce in Florida costs.

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- Parent Education Classes

If minor children are involved, the parent education classes assigned by the court must also be included in the calculation of how much to file for divorce in Florida costs.

This article has examined all aspects of how to file for divorce in Florida online. 


However, if you have more questions about how to file for divorce in Florida, contact your local court to get more information.

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