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Michigan Marriage Records Search

Michigan Marriage Records Search
September 7, 2022

Michigan marriage records come in handy when couples need to change their names on all legal documents or apply for spousal benefits. 


Additionally, couples are asked to submit their marriage records if they want to purchase property together or immigrate. 


However, religious institutions and governments also keep track of all the marriage records in Michigan to ensure the statistical graphs are updated accordingly. 


As a rule, Michigan marriage records are stored at the vital office or religious institution but can also be found online. This article will examine how to find marriage records online in Michigan and what are the ways to run a free marriage records search.

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Michigan Marriage Records


Before you browse the internet websites to run a free marriage records search, you need to understand what Michigan marriage records are. 


Generally speaking, Michigan marriage records are classified by marriage license (a document obtained before the marriage) and marriage certificate (received after the wedding).


Every couple needs authorization to get married (religious institutions, health offices, and courts check whether there are no legal, religious, health, or other impediments to getting married). 


In case there are no obstacles, such authorization will be issued by the local clerk no later than 60 days before the wedding, and it is known as a marriage license. On the contrary, a marriage certificate will be issued the same day the wedding takes place. 


A marriage certificate serves as legal proof of the marriage and is required by all legal institutions such as banks or insurance. As a rule, the marriage certificate contains the following information:


- Names of the Spouses

- Birth Dates of the Spouses

- Addresses (Residence)

- Occupation of the Spouses

- Parent`s Full Names

- Witnesses' Names

- Name of Officiating Minister of Registrar

- Religious Denomination of the Spouses

- Place and Date of the Ceremony

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Who is Eligible to Run a Michigan Marriage Records Online?


The requirements to run a Michigan marriage records search are not any different from any other state. Anyone who wants to find any Michigan marriage records online must be 18. 


Additionally, there are a few more requirements a person need to fulfill, such as a fee a person needs to pay the fee mentioned on the official government website. 


The fee depends on the type of service you request: fees for downloading the first marriage record are usually higher than the ones for every additional certified copy; fees to amend the information on Michigan marriage records are also relatively low. 


Apart from this, the person who wants to run a Michigan marriage records search will need to fill out a written request, mentioning the following information:


Personal and contact information of the requestor
Personal data of the party whose name is on the record
Relationship between the requestor and the party on the record (e.g., father, mother, son, daughter, husband, sibling, aunt, uncle, grandparent, legal guardian, etc.)
The reason for the request (e.g., insurance proceeds, authentication, death benefits, private purposes, etc.)

- The date of marriage
- The place of marriage
- Scope of search required (statewide or county limited)


Additionally, you will need to attach an ID photo to run it.


an illustration of a man and a woman signing signing a large marriage certificate

How to Find Marriage Records Online in Michigan?


There are multiple possibilities to find Michigan marriage records online, in person, or via phone. The fees vary depending on the type of how you request your service. 


However, using the following three platforms below is always recommended if you want to find any of the Michigan marriage records online. 


Please note that not all the platforms below offer the possibility to run a free marriage records search. Most of them charge a fee starting from $12 per download of a certified copy.


Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Website | (


CDC website is an informative website, which, however, allows the free marriage records search. The website provides all the contact information to Michigan`s vital offices and health departments and their working hours to run a Michigan marriage records search. 


Additionally, the number of fees and official websites are also indicated on the website, so you can get redirected directly to them to run a free marriage records search.

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Michigan Health and Human Services Website | (


This website should be the second platform you use as it allows finding all the Michigan marriage records online for a small fee. The website offers services ranging from Michigan marriage records amendments to the download of their certified copies.


Independent Platform | (


If you need to back up the Michigan marriage records search with the background information on the parties involved, you can do so by using You will be able to find the following information:


- Employment and Education History

- Contact Information

- Civil and Criminal Court Records (if applicable)


This article has explained how to find marriage records online in Michigan. 


If you have more questions about finding marriage records online in Michigan, contact the vital records office via phone or email.

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