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Divorce in Alaska: How to File for Divorce in Alaska

Divorce in Alaska: How to File for Divorce in Alaska
November 12, 2022

Unfortunately, not every marriage ends with "and they lived happily ever after." 


According to the state statistics, on average, there are 3.2 divorces per thousand residents. 


The number is quite astonishing, considering the total population size in Alaska will amount to approximately 740 000 by 2022. 


This article will be helpful for those considering filing for divorce in Alaska, as it will cover all aspects of divorce in Alaska, its cost, and ways to do it online.

How to File for Divorce in Alaska?

There are multiple reasons why couples might be interested in how to file for divorce in Alaska. 


It is known that divorce in Alaska has an impact on so many areas, such as marital property and debt division, parenting, and child custody. 


Please note that there is a significant difference one needs to know: the difference between dissolution and divorce. 


Dissolution is associated with a process of separation, where both spouses agree on all matters, whereas divorce is a case that can be filed by only one of the spouses if they do not come to terms.

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It is well-known that all marriage records are kept in court. This is why filing for a divorce in Alaska must also be done through court. 


Answering the question of how to file for divorce in Alaska: start with filing a complaint or petition. Irrespective of how you decide to file for divorce in Alaska, online or offline, the complaint or petition forms will be already composed. 


Please note that there are different types of complaints and petitions to file for divorce in Alaska, depending on whether there are minor children or not or if one of the spouses is pregnant.

However, filing for divorce in Alaska might go much faster if both spouses agree on everything. 


In this case, they can file for divorce in Alaska by submitting uncontested paperwork, such as agreements and settlement forms. 


However, if you have answered the question of how to file for divorce in Alaska, you might want to know that there is a possibility to change the case you have filed for. 


There is always a possibility to switch from dissolution to divorce or vice versa.

Same-sex marriages must go through the same process of filing for divorce in Alaska as any other couple. 


The spouse filing for divorce in Alaska must be a state resident since being a resident is an important issue one must consider before filing for divorce in Alaska. 


If a court decides it has no jurisdiction to hear the case because the residency requirements have not been met, it is recommended to contact the attorney.

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Step By Step Guide on How to File for Divorce in Alaska:

Once you have filled out all divorce forms, here is your step-by-step guide to how to file for divorce in Alaska:

1. Ensure you have two copies of each required document (one for yourself, another for the defendant).

2. Submit originals at your local court.

3. Make sure the fee is paid in advance. Alternatively, submit the Request for Exemption from Payment of Fees.

4. Ensure the clerk has returned the summons and standing order copies to you.

5. Collect everything for a defendant`s packet (copies of all the documents you filed, including summons and standing order.

Please note that you can serve the defendant in the following ways: return receipt, certified mail, process server, or local delivery. 


All the information about how to file for divorce in Alaska for typical and unusual cases is stated on the state court website.


How to File for Divorce in Alaska Online:

There are multiple possibilities for how to file for divorce in Alaska. 


You can always do it in person by physically arriving at the court or online. 

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If you are interested in how to file for divorce online, make sure to use the state court website below:

Alaska Court System Self Help Website | (

One of the ways how to file for divorce in Alaska is the Alaska Court System Self-Help website. 


Once you open the website, you can access all the information on how to file for divorce in Alaska, how much it costs to file for divorce in Alaska, and which documents are required for that.

How Much Does It Cost to File for Divorce in Alaska?

Please note that the fee for filing for divorce in Alaska is always subject to change. 


However, as of 2022, Alaska court might charge you as much as $250 to file for divorce in Alaska. 


Additionally, a fee of $75 to file for divorce in Alaska by submitting a Motion to Modify Child Custody, Visitation, or Support Spousal Maintenance or Property Division.

Key takeaways: This article has examined all the ways of filing for divorce in Alaska, including the process order and the fee amount. 


Ensure you have completed all the steps when filing for divorce in Alaska.

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