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Mississippi Public Records: How to Perform a Mississippi Public Records Search

Mississippi Public Records: How to Perform a Mississippi Public Records Search
November 15, 2022

As with other states in the country, Mississippi keeps detailed records of its residents - both past and current. 


Public records in Mississippi can be viewed by the public, so you can find records that are registered to your name, or to another person.


The bulk of the information in Mississippi public records is kept in the custody of various agencies and authorities that collect and keep such records. 


They are then made available to the public and can even be collected in bulk by third-party websites. 


In this article, we suggest measures that you can take to find these Mississippi public records files. 

clock letters that read public records

Mississippi Public Records Search: Criminal Records

If you wish to obtain your criminal history or run a criminal record search in Mississippi, you should be looking at applying to the state's Department of Public Safety’s Bureau of Investigations. 


First, you must complete an Authorization to Release Background Info form and then include the $32 processing fee before submitting the form to the following address:


MS Bureau of Investigation,
ATTN: CIC/Background Checks,
3891 Highway 468 West,
Pearl Mississippi 39208


Other than that, the Mississippi Electronic Courts System (MEC) also serves to provide on-demand court records to interested requesters. 


It is a system supported by the clerk of courts across the state, allowing the public to obtain access to court records such as criminal-related cases, for a fee. 


This fee (for registration) is charged on a subscription basis, usually $10 per annum and $.20 per page for viewing the relevant documents. 

Mississippi Public Records Search: Court Records 

To find court records in Mississippi, start by locating the court in charge of the related case and then lodge a request inquiry at the office of the court clerk. 


The search fees for this service, as specified by the Appellate court clerks are listed as $0.50 per page and $10 for a mandate copy. 

a man holding a pen over a stack of files


In addition, there's a $2 per page fee for copying from behind volumes of the court record in question. 


If the sought-after court record is dated and can not be found at the clerk’s office, you can most likely find them at the Mississippi Department of Archive and History (MDAH).


For records of decisions from the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court, you can contact the State Law Library based in Mississippi. 


There, you'll be charged at the rate of 15¢ per page for photocopies if you're a patron and 30¢ per page if you're a library staff. 


Lastly, you can obtain an electronic copy of a court record using the state-run online court record database—the Mississippi Electronic Courts.

Mississippi Public Records Search: Marriage Records 

The Mississippi State Archives is the marriage record custodian for marriages that occurred before 1926. 


For marriages that took place after 1926, you can get certified copies of their corresponding marriage records at the Mississippi Department of Health.


The record request application may be delivered in person, via mail, or even online. 


But first, the record applicant is expected to provide a copy of a valid, government-issued photo ID and then pay the service fee that is specified. 


These are to be submitted along with a copy of the completed application to the address below:


Mississippi Vital Records,
222 Marketridge Drive,
PO Box 1700,
Jackson, MS 39215-1700,
Phone: (601) 206-8200

an illustration of a pair of glasses, a laptop, a cup of coffee and marriage certificate with a pen on it

Mississippi Public Records Search: Divorce Records 

You can mostly only get certified copies of Mississippi divorce records if you can provide proof of a direct and tangible interest in the record of interest. 


However, you will also find Mississippi's public index of divorces to be helpful in your bid to find these Mississippi public records. 


One other option is to check at the chancery court where the divorce record is filed and query the court clerk there.


While the Mississippi Department of Health is not charged with maintaining these Mississippi public records, the State Archives is known to have an index of divorces dating up to five years. 


You get to pay a non-refundable fee of $17 per name-based divorce record search. 

Mississippi Public Records Search: Birth Records

Mississippi's Birth records are obtained in the same way as its death records.


Birth records as old as November, 1st 1912 as well as birth certificates can be collected from the Mississippi State Department of Health. 


Applications for the inspection and collection of certified copies of this type of public record can be done in person, via mail, and online provisions.


The applicant must provide a valid means of identification (usually a government-issued photo ID or a driver's license) and then pay the necessary fees. 


They can later submit the complete application package to the Mississippi Vital Records division at 222 Marketridge Drive. 

a paper that reads information release form peaking out of a folder

Mississippi Public Records Search: Death Records

Mississippi death records created from 1912 can be obtained in person at the Department of Health’s Ridgeland Office. 


Requesters can also make inquiries over the phone or forward request application mail to the department. 


For $17, you can initiate a death certificate search and obtain a certified copy of the requested record, with each extra copy costing a further $6.


The request application must be duly completed and accompanied by a copy of a valid photo ID and full payment in a check or money order. 


You can later forward the application together with the other documents to the Mississippi Vital Records department.

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