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Unclaimed Money Utah: How to Find Unclaimed Money in Utah

Unclaimed Money Utah: How to Find Unclaimed Money in Utah
November 1, 2022

The State of Utah became the 45th member of the union on 4th January 1896, with Salt Lake City as its capital. 


In the state, Utah unclaimed property laws started as a consumer protection program but have since extended to include protecting owners, estates, and heirs. 

Unclaimed money in Utah refers to any financial asset abandoned for a substantial period of time by its owner. 


The holder of such cash or financial asset must contact the owner during the dormancy period stipulated by the Utah code. 

The funds are reported to the state government if the attempts do not yield positive results. 


Like other states, Utah has a deadline for reporting and remitting unclaimed money to the Unclaimed Property Division of the State's Treasurer Office. 

Holders of Utah unclaimed property must report and return the money before 31st October. 


Also, the report must be filed electronically through the state's official website using the recognized NAUPA format. The state no longer accepts paper reports. 

To avoid having their funds flagged as unclaimed, owners must maintain account activity by making withdrawals or deposits, contacting financial institutions at least once every three years, or updating their home addresses. 

a magnifying glass on a money bills

What is Unclaimed Money in Utah?

The Utah State code clearly defines what qualifies as a state of Utah unclaimed money.. Some of them include:

* Credit balances
* Refunds
* Money orders
* Unclaimed wages or commissions.
* Savings and checking accounts
* Certificates of deposits
* Contents of safe deposit boxes
* Customer deposits or overpayments 
* Unclaimed insurance proceeds
* Stock dividends and shares

Persons that Can Claim on Behalf of Deceased Relatives in Utah 

The fact that the owner of an unclaimed fund is late doesn't mean the money cannot be recovered by specific individuals, such as family members and relatives. 


However, to avoid fraudulent claims, such persons must provide certain documents to establish their relationship with the deceased. 

To claim unclaimed money in Utah on the behalf of a deceased family member, other family members and relatives must provide obituary reports, birth certificates, etc. 


In addition, if the claimant is the legal guardian of the deceased estate or the court-appointed probate, they must provide documents establishing such identity. 

Suppose the deceased owner left no testament or will; the Utah State Treasurer is bound to follow the state's succession laws. 

a man typing on a laptop with a piggy bank on the screen


The following salient provisions are outlined under the Utah Code:

* If a living spouse solely survives the late owner, such a spouse is entitled to 100% of the unclaimed property

* If neither the deceased owner's spouse, parents, or issue survive them, the unclaimed property belongs to (1) the brother (s) and sister (s) or their issue; (2) the grandparents or their issue (in the order mentioned)

* If the children are the only ones who survive the legitimate owner, they are entitled to 100% of the unclaimed property, divided equally among them

* If only the legitimate owner's parent (s) remain, the parent (s) receive 100% of the unclaimed property.

How to Find Utah Unclaimed Property?

Residents of the state looking for their Utah unclaimed money can check the official website of the Utah State Treasurer. Here is how you can find your unclaimed money on the website:

1. Open the official Utah website for unclaimed property and funds
2. Click on "search unclaimed properties" located under the "claiming property" tab
3. Enter your name or the name of your business in the text box on the right side of the page.
4. Enter your city and zip code to help filter your search.
5. Click on the "claim" button next to the money that belongs to you, and then click on "view claimed properties."
5. Select your relationship status with the claimant from the text box and click on "file claim."
6. Enter your contact details, Social Security Number (SSN), and other relevant information.
Click on "next."

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Verify every piece of information submitted in the "claim summary" section before filing your claim. 


The Utah State Treasury will evaluate your claim and notify you once they have completed the investigation. Note down your claim ID so you can monitor it later.

You can also check the status of your claim in the "check the status of a claim" section. 

You can also forward your queries in person or through mail to: 

Treasurer's Office,
Unclaimed Property Division,
168 N 1950 W Suite 102,
Salt Lake City, UT 84116

There are also several federal databases in charge of collating unclaimed money from financial institutions and businesses. 


Utah residents can also search these sites for their unclaimed money. They include:

The National Credit Unions Association (NCUA) for unclaimed credit deposits. 
The Pension Benefits Guarantee Protections for unclaimed pension benefits.
Department of Housing and Urban Development, for unclaimed mortgage refunds. 


Residents of Utah searching for their Utah unclaimed money can utilize any of the methods discussed above. 


The average time for settling claims in Utah is between 10 to 60 days. However, the processing time is usually dependent on the type of Utah unclaimed property. 

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