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Utah Arrest Records: How to Find a Utah Arrest Record

Utah Arrest Records: How to Find a Utah Arrest Record
September 20, 2022

The state of Utah was admitted to the United States on January 4, 1896, as the 45th state of the Union. 


The state is the 40th most densely populated state, with a population of over 3.5 million people. 


It is one of the "Four Corner" states, and over 2/3 of the state's residents are Mormons belonging to the Church of Latter-Day Saints. 

The state started generating public records in 1892, four years before joining the Union, containing information from all 29 counties of the state. 


Arrest records are considered public records in Utah, according to the provisions of the state's Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA). 


These records are considered part of a subject's Utah criminal record and are generated by an arresting authority when a person violates the Utah Criminal Code.

While access to arrest records in Utah is considered public, Utah is one of the closed record states in the US. 


A closed record means that all or aspects of an arrest record are not open to members of the public. Closed record states limit access to arrest record data. 


Where an arrest record is closed, interested parties can access such records by especially applying to view them. 

handcuffs lying on an illustration of the Utah flag

Utah Arrest Statistics

Utah derives its arrest statistics or data from the Summary Reporting System (SRS) and National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). 


It submits them to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for recording in Utah crime reports. 

Utah arrest data is used in measuring the number of arrests and not the number of charges arising from arrests. 


Where a law enforcement agency arrests an individual for more than one crime, the reporting agency will only record the arrest for the most severe charge. 

According to the 2020 Utah crime report, a total of 83,863 arrests were made for various crimes. 


A breakdown of the report shows that out of that number, 75,821 were adult offenders, while 8,042 were juvenile arrests. 


The offenses with the highest arrests include violent crimes like rape, murder, robbery, non-negligent manslaughter, drug abuse violations, driving under the influence, etc. 

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How to Find Utah Arrest Records:

If you are looking for an arrest record in Utah, you can use different methods in your search. The state does not entertain online applications. Some of the techniques used in finding Utah arrest records include the following:

Finding Arrest Records in Utah Through the Utah Department of Public Safety

The Department of Public Safety is one of the central repositories of arrest records in Utah, created by Section 53-10-201 of the Utah Code. 


The department entertains requests by mail or in person. To obtain a Utah arrest record via mail, you will have to download and complete the Criminal History Record Application form. 

Some of the required details include the applicant's full name and age, and phone number. 


You will also be required to provide specific details about the subject or arrestee, including their booking number, full name, social security number, etc. 


In addition, you will be required to pay $15, and payments can be made using a money order or check.

handcuffed hands behind a man's back

Mails can be sent using the following address:

Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification,
3888 West 5400 South Taylorsville, 
Utah 84129.

For in-person applications, you will have to visit their office and fill out a request form. 


In addition, you will have to pay a non-refundable fee of $15.00, payable by money order, cashier's check, personal check, Visa, Mastercard, or cash. A valid ID card must accompany your request. 


Utah Driving Privilege Cards are not accepted as valid means of identification. Requests are entertained between 8:00 am and 5:00, Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays and weekends. 

Their physical address is:

Bureau of Criminal Identification
3888 West 5400 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84129
Phone: 801-965-4445
Fax: 801-965-4749

For further inquiries, you can contact them at (801) 965-4445.

Visiting the Bureau of Criminal Identification

The Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) is another agency tasked with maintaining arrest records in Utah. The bureau entertains requests by mail or in person. 


For the mail application, you will have to download, fill and print out the form on the website. After that, proceed to submit your request, alongside a fee of $15, payable by credit card, money order, or US check. 

For in-person application, visit their office and fill out a request form stating your personal information and details of the subject. 


You will be required to pay $15, payable by check, money order, or cash. All applications must be made alongside a valid state ID card as proof of identity. 

gloved hands holding a magnifying glass over a sheet of fingerprints

The address for in-person applications is:

3888 West 5400 South
Taylorsville, UT 84129
(801) 965-4445

The bureau entertains requests between 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. The bureau does not work on state holidays and weekends.

Visiting the Local Law Enforcement Agency

You can also obtain Utah arrest records from the local law enforcement agency responsible for making the arrest. 


This is usually the local police department or county sheriff's office. 


The arresting authority typically determines the modalities for application; however, you will be required to provide your personal information and means of identification. 


You will also be required to pay a fee determined by the arresting agency. 


Utah arrest records are documents available to members of the public. 


These records are publicly accessible unless sealed or expunged by a court order. 


You can search for your arrest record using any of the techniques mentioned above.

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