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Tennessee Marriage Records Search

Tennessee Marriage Records Search
October 10, 2022

Every state in the US offers multiple possibilities for running a marriage records search. Tennessee marriage records, for example, can be found online and at the local health department. 


As a rule, all Tennessee marriage records are recorded by a local county clerk, which is why the local court would also have a track of them in most cases. 


Since every couple requires having their Tennessee marriage records at hand for the application of spousal benefits or even for immigration. 


This article will examine all the possibilities of running a free marriage records search by focusing on how to find marriage records online in Tennessee.

Tennessee Marriage Records

Generally speaking, Tennessee marriage records are divided into two broad categories of documents: marriage certificates and marriage licenses. 


Without the latter, no marriage can occur since a marriage license authorizes the couple to get married by a local clerk. 

a bride signing a paper


A marriage certificate, on the contrary, represents proof of the marriage, as it contains information about the place and date of the marriage along with information about the spouses and the witnesses. 


Some counties even register the bride`s and groom`s occupation and religious denomination on the Tennessee marriage records.

Who Is Eligible to Run a Tennessee Marriage Records Search?

Marriage records in Tennessee are public, so everybody who turned 18 can run Tennessee marriage records searches safely. 


There is no difference between the parties who want to find the Tennessee marriage records online. 


Whether a relative or a third party, they must follow the same process to run a Tennessee marriage records search. 


First, the fee to run a Tennessee marriage records search must be paid in advance, and second, the written application request to run a Tennessee marriage records search must be submitted. Make sure the request contains the following information on it:

- First/Last name of the requestor
and his birth date
-First and last names of the spouses, whose names are mentioned on the records
- Requestor`s relation to the party on the record (i.e., family member, legal guardian, none, etc.)
-The reason for running a free marriage records search (i.e., application for death or spousal benefits, authorization, etc.)
-Marriage information such as a date and a place
- The photo from either the ID card, passport, or U.S. Military-issued ID.

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How to Find Marriage Records Online in Tennessee

If you are still wondering how to find marriage records online in Tennessee, use the following three platforms below. 


Please note that the options to run a free marriage records search are quite limited. However, the fee you need to pay to download Tennessee marriage records is relatively low. 

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | (

The CDC website is the only tool enabling a free marriage records search. The website demonstrates the information on all the health departments throughout the state and the local courts. 


Additionally, the CDC provides detailed information on the fee amount (depending on the service: marriage records amendment or download) and the working hours of all the institutions which enable direct Tennessee marriage records search.

Tennessee Secretary of State Website

The Tennessee Secretary of the State website is the only official source that enables the download of Tennessee marriage records directly. 


As mentioned on the website, Tennessee marriage records have not been registered until 1838. 


However, some counties recorded early marriages and have kept Tennessee marriage records. 

a magnifying glass on a laptop keyboard


There is a possibility to download marriage records from the website for the following 3 periods:

• Tennessee marriage records for 1780 – 1861
• Tennessee marriage records for 1862 - June 1945, July 1945 – 1971
• Tennessee marriage records for 1972 – Current

All of those period marriage records in Tennessee can be downloaded online or sent via mail. 


The fee per download of Tennessee marriage records online is cheaper for the state's residents, whereas the non-residents must pay more depending on the service. 


The website enables the download of marriage records in Tennessee after the written application has been submitted and a fee has been paid. 


There are multiple possibilities to pay the fee: Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and Visa. 

Independent Platform | (

If you require some additional background information on the parties involved in the Tennessee marriage records, we recommend using an independent search engine. 


A platform like enables you to collect all the essential information on either of the spouses, knowing their name and birth date as little as their names. 

a marriage contract with a pen on it


Please note that the platform does not enable running a free marriage records search, but you will be able to find the following information:

• Education and employment background 
• Contact information such as email or phone numbers of the couple
• Civil or criminal court records, if applicable.

Contact the local health department if you have any questions about finding marriage records online in Tennessee.

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