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New Jersey Marriage Records Search

New Jersey Marriage Records Search
September 13, 2022

The need to write this article emerged from the growing demand in New Jersey marriage records search. More and more couples are interested in running a free marriage records search and finding the right platforms. 


Almost all legal institutions will always ask for a certified copy of the New Jersey marriage records before providing a service. 


For instance, social security will require you to provide New Jersey marriage records to issue a correct social security card and identify the right price tariff. 


Additionally, banks will ask you to provide marriage records in New Jersey to issue you a big loan for spouses. 


Alternatively, you must have your New Jersey marriage records ready even when deciding to immigrate to another country or move out. 


This is why this article will explain how to find marriage records online in New Jersey and what are the ways to run a free marriage records search.

a marriage contract with a pencil on it

New Jersey Marriage Records

The term "New Jersey marriage records" is quite broad. This is why every time you want to run a New Jersey marriage records search, you need to know specifically which types of marriage records in New Jersey you are looking for. 


Generally, a marriage license and marriage certificate are the only documents that represent New Jersey marriage records. The marriage license is obtained no later than 60 days before the marriage. 


It has a function of legal permission for the couple to get married, proving there are no legal, religious, or other health impediments to the couple getting married. 


Whereas marriage certificate serves as an official New Jersey marriage records document that is issued after the marriage and contains the following information:

- Names of the Spouses
- Birth Dates of the Spouses
- Addresses (Residence)
- Occupation of the Spouses
- Parent's Full Names
- Witnesses' Names
- Name of Officiating Minister of Registrar
- Religious Denomination of the Spouses
- Place and Date of the Ceremony

a groom signing a paper

Who Is Eligible to Run a New Jersey Marriage Records Search?

To run a New Jersey marriage records search, you must be 18. Even though technically, this is the only requirement, you need to satisfy two more conditions:

1. Pay the fee to run the New Jersey marriage records search

2. Submit a written application to run a New Jersey marriage records search, which contains the following information:

- Personal and contact information of the requestor
- Personal data of the party whose name is on the record
- Relationship between the requestor and the party on the record (e.g., father, mother, son, daughter, husband, sibling, aunt, uncle, grandparent, legal guardian, etc.)
- The reason for the request (e.g., insurance proceeds, authentication, death benefits, private purposes, etc.)
- The date of marriage
- The place of marriage
- Scope of search required (statewide or county limited)
- ID photo

a marriage certificate on a table next to wax sealed papers

How to Find Marriage Records Online in New Jersey?

It is possible to find marriage records in New Jersey by requesting to run a New Jersey marriage records search in person, via phone, mail, email, or online. 


If you are wondering how to find marriage records online in New Jersey, we recommend using the websites mentioned below. The reason for that is the accuracy of the information provided and the possibility of running a free marriage records search. 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | (

The CDC website should be the first tool for those wondering how to find marriage records online in New Jersey. 


Although the CDC website does not enable direct New Jersey marriage records to search directly on the website, it provides you with the contact information on the vital state offices with the New Jersey marriage records. 


Additionally, you can check the fees for different services related to the New Jersey marriage records directly on the website.

Official Site of the State of New Jersey | (

The CDC website will most likely redirect you to the Official site of the state of New Jersey. You will be able to use a variety of services related to the marriage records in New Jersey, among which:

- Apply for marriage records in New Jersey
- Amend the existing New Jersey marriage records online
- Download a certified copy of New Jersey marriage records online

The fees per service depend on the county and the type of service.

a search bar

Independent Platform | (

If the information on the two previous websites is insufficient, you can always use independent search engines such as 


Aside from New Jersey marriage records, the website gives the possibility to find the following information on the spouses:

· Employment and Education History
· Contact Information
· Civil and Criminal Court Records (if applicable)

If the information provided by this article on how to find New Jersey marriage records online is not sufficient, contact the vital records office via phone or email.

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