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New Jersey Arrest Records: How to Find Arrest Records in New Jersey

New Jersey Arrest Records: How to Find Arrest Records in New Jersey
October 6, 2022

Every New Jersey resident has access to public record access capabilities through the New Jersey State Records website. 


Per the New Jersey Inspection of Public Records Act, which asserts that all government information and records are accessible to the public, this guarantees that the people of New Jersey can exercise their right to access and obtain public records, including arrest records in the state.

In New Jersey, reports created by law enforcement agencies after an individual is taken into custody on suspicion of criminal behavior are known as arrest records. 


The New Jersey arrest record detail the alleged offense, the suspect's identity, the organization that carried out the arrest, and, occasionally, details about the accused's criminal history if it is pertinent to the arrest.

How to Perform a New Jersey Arrest Records Search?

If you want to perform a New Jersey arrest records search, you can use one of two popular ways. 


The first is a free public records search with websites, such as; this type of query provides a complete background check, so you will receive access to all the records regarding a person of interest. 


If you just want to find arrest records in New Jersey, the following search methods will provide you with access to criminal data.

New Jersey state flag with handcuffs on it


What Makes up a New Jersey Arrest Record?

Information about arrests made by state agents and local law enforcement agencies is available in the New Jersey arrest records. The incidents that resulted in the arrests mentioned above are also recorded in these official records. 


An arrest could happen right away after a crime or after an inquiry. In contrast to many other states in the U.S., New Jersey arrest records are typically broad and more detailed; they include the following:

* The full legal name of the person who was arrested
* Other identifying features such as the height and weight of the arrested person
* Location, time, and date of the arrest
* Race and gender of the arrested person
* Contact information of the arrested person, such as a physical address, email address, and mobile number
* Details of Next of Kin
* Details of vehicle, if and where necessary
* Instances of traffic offenses
* Mugshots and Fingerprints
* The criminal charge that led to the arrest
* Name of the Law enforcement officer that carried out the arrest
* The place of detention where the arrested person was lodged.

New Jersey Public Arrest Records

According to the New Jersey state's Open Public Records Act, arrest records in New Jersey are available to the public. 


Law enforcement agencies in New Jersey create state-wide public arrest records and makes them accessible to anyone who wants to search the arrest records database. 

People seeking arrest records for free online may check out third-party record options. 

a man being fingerprinted by gloved hands


Although, these documents may only provide a limited amount of information. As a result, law enforcement agencies in New Jersey produce the most reliable information about public arrest records and offer them upon request for a modest cost to anyone interested.

In New Jersey, an arrest record is a piece of public information; thus, unless it is specifically exempted from general publication by law or court order, anybody can access it by contacting the government body that keeps it. 

For example, people having arrest records in New Jersey can ask a court to seal or delete their records, barring the disclosure of their arrest details. 


Once this is done, only law enforcement agencies may have access to the record in such circumstances.

How Can I Find Someone's New Jersey Arrest Records?

Despite the absence of a centralized database, New Jersey's law enforcement agencies that make arrests regularly compile, gather, maintain, and disseminate arrest records. 


As a result, anyone interested in obtaining arrest records can contact their local police or sheriff's department. 


If the agency has a website with a searchable database, interested parties can also look up arrest records there.

A person's criminal history in New Jersey also includes arrest records. As a result, anyone can ask the State Police's Criminal Information Unit for a copy of their criminal history record to check arrest details. 


Most criminal record requests are processed using fingerprints; however, the department permits name-based searches. Each request is subject to a reasonable cost from the division.

If an arrest record in New Jersey needs to be subpoenaed, the New Jersey Court rule 1:9 allows the issuance of subpoenas. 

a man's hand on a stack of papers


According to this rule, a subpoena may be issued by the court clerk, an attorney, or a party acting in the clerk's name. As a result, a subpoena can be written by a lawyer or a party without the superior court clerk's consent. 

However, the asking party must first acquire and complete the required forms, which vary depending on the purpose of the subpoena, to obtain a subpoena. 


For example, a Subpoena Duces Tecum form should be completed if someone wants to request an arrest record.

The requester must provide the finished form to the address below for the Superior Court Clerk to sign a subpoena. 


The requester must then send the form with a $50 check to the Treasurer of the State of New Jersey at the address below.

Superior Court Clerk's Office,
Customer Service Unit, 
P.O. Box 971,
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0971

It is imperative to remember that the subpoena must specify the requested records and how to submit them during the trial.

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In Conclusion

In New Jersey, arrest records are considered public information and are available for review or copying from the relevant law enforcement agencies located throughout the state. 


In addition, when a conviction occurs after the arrest, they are frequently displayed alongside the New Jersey criminal records.

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