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Iowa Mugshots: Guide To Finding Mugshots In Iowa

Iowa Mugshots: Guide To Finding Mugshots In Iowa
July 12, 2022

Mugshots are pictures of people taken during their interaction with law enforcement officers. These interactions typically start with an arrest, continues with their profiling and subsequent investigation, and end with a conviction or an acquittal.

Between all of the above-mentioned proceedings, the mugshots are taken, in addition to the compilation of other information. 

This information, and the mugshots, make their way to arrest/criminal records and others that detail a violation of the law, and then they become public records.


So if you want to find the mugshots of anyone in Iowa, you can start from these public records, and this is the thrust of this article. 


a ripped piece of paper with the words criminal records written beneath the tear

Exploring Criminal Records in Iowa 


Iowa criminal records are public documents that register the criminal history of people living in Iowa or people whose crimes have any connection with the state.


The law enforcement agencies and administrative offices around Iowa are mostly responsible for compiling the information in these records.


When you get access to a person's criminal records, you can expect to come across information related to their arrest, prosecution, and possible conviction, along with their data. Some of the details include


* Full name and aliases of the offender 

* Their age, birthdate, sex, race/ethnicity, gender

* Fingerprints and Mugshots

* Tattoos, scars, body markings, and any unique identifiers

* Arrest data and outstanding warrants

* Pending dispositions and conviction history 


sheets of fingerprints


How To Obtain Criminal Records In Iowa?


People with a history of conviction in Iowa usually have their criminal records generated by the Division of Criminal Investigation, a unit in the state's Department of Public Safety.


The division caters to people who intend to undertake a record search using the instrument of a criminal background report.


You'll be charged a small amount before being granted access to the record. If you provide sufficient identifying information about the subject, you should be able to pick them out without difficulty. 


Finding Arrest Records in Iowa


Arrest records in Iowa are official documents with information concerning a person who has once been arrested or is currently in custody.


The information in these records is usually sourced from police reports and other law enforcement officers. This information includes but is not limited to the following:


* The subject's personal information such as their full name, race/ethnicity, date of birth, gender

* Fingerprint and photograph

* The arresting officer's name 

* The place and date of the arrest

* The name of the jail or detention facility



How Do I Find Someone’s Arrest Records in Iowa?


The natural thing to do to get arrest records in Iowa, or anywhere else, is to stop by law enforcement agencies.


Other than that, the Department of Public Safety maintains a Division of Criminal Investigation unit that can be approached for matters related to arrest records searches.


The unit has a Criminal History Record Check website where you can run checks in search of a one-time arrestee. And if you choose to get the records by yourself or have them delivered by mail, you'll be required to pay a $15 fee. 


Searching Iowa Inmate Records


The official documents that contain information about a person's current or incarceration status in Iowa are referred to as Iowa records.


These records, generated by several detention and correctional facilities across Iowa, contain all the relevant information regarding prisoners in the state.


Some of this information(about the inmate) are as follows.


* The full names and alias of the inmate

* Their date of birth, nationality, sex, and other personal information 

* Information about the facility's location, capacity, etc.

* Fingerprints, mugshots, and any relevant identifying information

* Incarceration date and expected release date

* Booking details and bond conditions. 


How Do I Obtain Iowa Inmate Records


You can perform an inmate search using the Offender Search Tool found on the website of the Department of Corrections.


While you're there, you'll be required to input some relevant information about the subject to carry out the search.


This information ranges from the first/middle/last name of the offender to their offender number, date of birth, gender, offense, and location. 


a man pressing a 3D illustration of a search bar

Search Platforms That Provide Information on Mugshots 


Third-party websites are search platforms without links to the government, offering search services to people.


These websites have tons of public records in their custody, with these public records containing information on several subjects.


They get these public records from government institutions, law enforcement agencies, courts, and detention facilities, among other custodians of public records. 


How To Obtain Mugshots From Third-party Websites


Using a search platform such as backgroundcheck, you will get access to all publicly available arrest records, criminal records, and court records.


 You mostly provide the names and states of the person of interest in the spaces provided on the websites. And then you click on a search box that makes the screen open up to a reel of results matching your search.


You can find a mugshot attached when you settle for the correct one, after having downloaded the record or had it delivered by mail, for a fee. 

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