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Georgia Mugshot Search: Overview and Details

Georgia Mugshot Search: Overview and Details
June 27, 2022

If you wish to get the mugshot of anyone in Georgia, there are a few search options you can explore. You can stop by the law enforcement agencies whose reports almost always feature the mugshot of people in their bad books.

Or you can scour the Internet for any databases that are devoted to the collection of mugshots. Whichever option you settle for, you should find success in your quest. 


This is helped in no small part by the system of freedom of information and access to Georgia's public records. In this article, we'll show you the channels you can explore to make your job much easier. 

Georgia Arrest Records


In Georgia, arrest records are official documents that contain information regarding people taken into custody after having been arrested by a law enforcement officer.


a man being photographed from his profile against a mugshot backdrop

The information on these records is compiled by the police, the sheriff's department, and officials in other law enforcement agencies. Below are some things you can find on a criminal record.


● The arrested person's bio data: name, sex, race, birthdate, etc. 

● Any unique physical identifiers such as tattoos, scars, height, and weight.

● Their mugshots and fingerprint

● The nature of the committed crime

● Charges levied on the arrestee

● The name of the officer and agency responsible for the attest


How Do I Obtain Arrest Records In Georgia


First, you can stop by the sheriff's office or the police department in the region or county where the arrest was made and request access to their public arrest records.


The state also operates a felon search website, where you can run a background check on persons accused on charges of felony. You can always resort to the arrested person's criminal records on the premise of an official inquest.


The records are available for pick up at the Georgia Bureau of Investigation for a fee, and with the permission of the record holder.


a man's finger being fingerprinted


Georgia Criminal Records 


Georgia criminal records document all the information related to a person's criminal activity. The major contributors to these records include law enforcement agencies at the counties and local levels.


These records usually contain information about the subject, such as their full name and any aliases, race/ethnicity, date of birth, fingerprint, and details of any unique physical identifier. 


How Do I Obtain Criminal Records In Georgia


In most cases, the jurisdiction in charge of the case is assigned the responsibility of maintaining the criminal records in its possession and making them available to the general public.


You can carry out a criminal record search at the sheriff's office in the county where the subject was prosecuted. And if you want to step up a notch to the larger state level, you may visit the police department to conduct a criminal record search through their database for a charge.


You can also run a check at the online background check service offered by the Georgia criminal history record information (CHRI).


a 3D illustration of a mugshot backdrop


Georgia Inmate Records


When a person is admitted to prison or any detention facility in Georgia, they have an inmate record file opened on their behalf.

 These records are created by the state, county, or municipality that secured the conviction or the detention facility where the criminal is held. They are also managed by the Georgia Department of corrections and will contain the following: 


* The inmate's full name and aliases, if any. 

* Information about their crime

* Their date of birth, sex, race/ethnicity, height, weight, and other personal information details 

* A mugshot

* Their incarceration date and expected release date. 

* Any bail or bond conditions


How can I get Inmate Records In Georgia?


The Offender Search and Facility search platforms are two online search systems provided by the GDC that you can explore to get relevant inmate data. 


When you click on the "search this facility tab" on the facility search tool, you'll be asked to provide information about the inmate to execute the search.


This inmate information may include the names, gender, race, age, and alias, among other things. For a more accurate search, you may use the inmate's GDC ID or case number. 


The offender search works in the same way as a facility search w, with the exception that it can search all GDC-supervised inmates. 


a 3D illustration of a gavel connected to a computer mouse


Third-party Websites


Third-party websites include independently-run search platforms devoted to providing information about people by searching through their public records.


The records in their possession include mugshots, personal information details, arrest/conviction records, and other background check results. These platforms usually charge a small fee to deliver the rate search results. 


How To Obtain Mugshots From Third-party Websites


When you visit these websites, you will quickly come across a couple of text fields designed to register the names and last known address(state) of your subject. On filling the boxes, click on search and the system will be searched for a few moments.


Multiple results may turn out at the first trial depending on how many people bear the same name as your subject. However, you can arrive at your subject much quicker by supplying the system with additional information. 

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