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Connecticut License Plate Search: License Plate Lookup in Connecticut

Connecticut License Plate Search: License Plate Lookup in Connecticut
November 1, 2022

In the New England region of the North-eastern United States, Connecticut is the state that is furthest to the south. 


Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York, and Long Island Sound all border it on its eastern, northern, western, and southern borders, respectively. 

As a resident of Connecticut, you must register your car to drive on the roads of Connecticut. Two license plates are a requirement of the state for car owners. 


The front side should have the first one, and the back side should have the second one. 


Additionally, the state permits the use of specialty license plates. Connecticut also allows for the use of a disabled person's license plate.

Connecticut has issued several license plate designs for passenger, non-passenger, and, more recently, optional plate types that frequently come with a surcharge. 


As of 2022, the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has been issuing license plates to vehicle owners in the state. 

Prior to that, between 1937 and 1963, metal date tabs were used to authenticate license plates. 


Then, until 2006, plate stickers were used, and windshield stickers were used between 2006 and 2010. 


Plate stickers are still used for vehicles without windshields or those that are a part of fleets that switch plates regularly.

a blank license plate on a car

Types of License Plates in Connecticut

License Plates for Classic Vehicle: Connecticut's DMV issues these plates to registered vehicles aged 20 or older. 


The existing plates of anyone who wants to get this license plate must be turned in at any DMV office.

License Plates for Transportation: License plates for the purpose of transportation are given out by the DMV to Connecticut-based companies whose vehicular purpose is the transfer of other vehicles from one location to another. 


Usually, these vehicles can't be used for commercial purposes or to transport people.

* Special license plates – In Connecticut, non-profit organization members are given special license plates. These license plates fall within the following category:
* Environmental License Plates
* Organization License Plates
* Collegiate License Plates
* Animal License Plates
* Special Interests License Plates
* Varied Interest License Plates
* Recreational License Plates
* Towns License Plates
* Veteran and Military License Plates
* Government Agencies License Plates

How to Perform a Connecticut License Plate Lookup?

You may look up details on a vehicle in Connecticut using the license plate number. This is possible because specific vehicles and license plate numbers are linked.


Before purchasing a used car in Connecticut, people frequently look up license plates to discover more about the vehicle's history.

Typically, information on an automobile, such as its current market value, warranty, fuel efficiency, vehicle features, odometer readings, and traffic history, can be found by looking up its license plate in Connecticut. 

In addition, the title of the vehicle, any previous collisions, insurance claims, maintenance and repair records, the vehicle's safety rating, and an inspection checklist are also made public. 


A vehicle lookup can also show whether a car has ever been reported as stolen, recalled by the manufacturer, or used as loan collateral.

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Anyone looking up a license plate often has access to the state department of motor vehicles and specific free online tools. 


Connecticut DMV License Plate Search: Connecticut's Department of Motor Vehicles provides a free online tool for license plate looks up. 

While many third-party websites also offer free license plate lookup services, they frequently don't provide 100% accurate car information. 


However, most for-profit third-party license plate lookup websites offer precise and current search results but charge subscription fees. 


When using these types of websites, such as, you can perform an online license plate lookup in Connecticut, and find out all the information you need regarding a vehicle. 


Search results are provided immediately, so you can perform several license plate searches in minutes, and make better decisions about which vehicle you should purchase. 

It is also possible to perform a Connecticut license plate search using the Vehicle Identification Number. 


For example, in Connecticut, the state's public car records link license plate numbers with Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs). 

As a result, VINs can be used to look up license plate numbers. 


In addition, the unique 17-digit number, typically a mix of capital letters and digits, can be used to search any online VIN lookup engine.

license plates

Who Can Access the Connecticut DMV Records Using License Plate Lookup

The Connecticut State Law regulates who has access to and how to obtain private information stored by the DMV. 


According to state law, details, like a person's driver's license number, photo, address, name, and social security number are considered private. 

However, anyone in Connecticut looking for a license plate owner can get in touch with law authorities and ask them to check it up. 


The vehicle owner will then be contacted by law enforcement on their behalf. 


In Connecticut, your license plates can be turned over to the DMV if you don't wish to keep them. If you are relocating to a different state, you should also give them up. 


In Connecticut, your license plate will typically be good for two years. Following that, you must either renew in person, by mail, or online. 


If you intend to purchase a car that is registered in the state, you can perform a Connecticut license plate lookup both online and offline. 


Getting up-to-date and accurate information about vehicles can save you time and money, and most importantly - help you purchase a safe-to-drive car.

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