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How to File for Divorce in Connecticut: The Complete Guide

How to File for Divorce in Connecticut: The Complete Guide
February 7, 2023

The demand for how to file for divorce in Connecticut has grown proportionally with the number of divorces in the state. 


This article will cover all aspects of how to file for divorce in Connecticut online. Additionally, it will answer questions such as "how much to file for divorce in Connecticut costs."

How to File for Divorce in Connecticut?

Before proceeding with the question "how to file for divorce in Connecticut," it is recommended to consider preliminary points such as the following:

Do You Meet the Residency Requirements?

Each U.S. state has its own regulation. Connecticut requires you or your spouse to have been living in the state for at least 12 months before filing for divorce in Connecticut. 


However, please note that the procedure will be different if you or your spouse leave the state after being married or returned by the time you file for divorce in Connecticut.


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Are the Grounds to File for Divorce in Connecticut Satisfactory?

Every person who wants to file for divorce in Connecticut must have a legal "ground." For instance, if you intend to file for divorce in Connecticut referring to a spouse's misconduct, you must prove the misconduct which is quite time-consuming. 


If you do not want to waste neither time nor money to find the "ground" to file for divorce in Connecticut, it is recommended to state that your marriage "has broken down irretrievably." 


However, both spouses must agree to use this reason to file for divorce in Connecticut.

Is This divorce Contested or Uncontested?

A contested divorce will always take longer as the couple needs to find common ground on major issues of the divorce. 


The term implies that the couple filing for divorce in Connecticut disagrees on significant points of property or debt allocation, child custody, spousal support, or should the divorce occur. 


Uncontested divorces usually happen much faster and cost less since mediation is not needed. To file for an uncontested divorce in Connecticut, both spouses must submit a "dissolution agreement" they agree on.

Are There Children Involved?

If children were involved in the marriage, the spouses must also agree on child custody before filing for divorce in Connecticut.

Please note that all the points mentioned above define the number of steps and types of documents required, which is why it is recommended to clear those before filing for divorce in Connecticut.


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Step-By-Step Guide: How to File for Divorce in Connecticut Online

There are several ways how to file for divorce in Connecticut online. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to file for divorce in Connecticut online:


1. Submit the Summons Family Actions (JD-FM-3) and Divorce Complaint/Cross Complaint (JD-FM-159) forms.

Please make sure you also submit the following documents along with the two forms mentioned above:

- Notice of Automatic Court Orders (JD-FM-158)
- Affidavit Concerning Children (JD-FM-164)

Please note that every case of filing for divorce in Connecticut is different, which is why you might be required to submit more additional documents.

2. Get the forms signed by the Superior Court Clerk.

3. Make two copies of each document.

4. Partake in a parenting education program within 60 (sixty) days after a family case is filed (in case you have children under 18 years).

5. Schedule a court hearing to finalize the divorce.

How to file for divorce in Connecticut online:

It is recommended to use the website mentioned below if you are interested in how to file for divorce in Connecticut online:

State of Connecticut Judicial Branch Website |(

The State of Connecticut Judicial Branch website has all types of forms you might need for filing for divorce in Connecticut. 


The website also offers a manual on how to file for divorce in Connecticut online and how much to file for divorce in Connecticut costs. Practically, you can find all sorts of information essential before filing for divorce in Connecticut on the website.


a woman's hand putting a wedding band in a man's hand

How Much to File for Divorce in Connecticut Costs?

Knowing all the requirements of how to file for divorce in Connecticut online, you can estimate how much it will cost you. Generally, there are a few points that will define how much filing for divorce in Connecticut will cost you, namely:

- Fee to File for Divorce in Connecticut

Please note that the fee heavily depends on the county where the court is located.

- Mediation Cost
If there is a contested divorce, a couple must require mediation. A mediator can be either assigned by the court or found by the spouses independently. Mediator costs depend on the state, county, and experience.

- Attorney Cost
Another essential expense you must consider when calculating how much to file for divorce in Connecticut will cost you.

- Parenting Classes (If children are involved)
When calculating how much to file for divorce in Connecticut costs, you must consider this point.

Contact your county clerk for more information if any points on how to file for divorce in Connecticut online need to be clarified.

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