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How to File for Divorce in California: The Complete Guide

How to File for Divorce in California: The Complete Guide
February 12, 2023

With a population of over 39 million, California has one of the highest divorce rates. The state probably has some of the loudest divorce cases because most of the celebrities are located there. 


With the rising divorce rates, the number of people interested in how to file for divorce in California has dramatically increased in the past decades. 


Additionally, questions such as how much to file for divorce in California costs are also quite popular. That is why this article will focus on covering all aspects of filing for divorce in California.

How to File for Divorce in California?

There are multiple ways how to file for divorce in California: online and offline. In the recent decade, more people have been leaning towards the option of filing for divorce in California online, as it is less time-consuming. 


However, there are a few points you need to consider before filing for divorce in California: your residence, minor children, and property and spousal debt. Additionally, you need to check with your partner whether you agree on all the points of filing for divorce in California.

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Step By Step Guide How to File for Divorce in California online:

Five major steps are recommended to be taken for those who want to file for divorce in California:

1. Check whether you meet a residency requirement to file for divorce in California

This step is one of the most important as it determines the future divorce process. To figure out where you can file for divorce in California, you need to ensure that you or your spouse have been a resident in California for the past 6 months and resided in that particular county for the past 3 months. 


Carefully checking the county where you could file for divorce in California is recommended. If you do not meet the residency requirement, there are other ways to file for divorce in California, which you can always check on the state website.

2. Fill out all claims and summons to file for divorce in California

One of the first forms you need to fill up to file for divorce in California is a petition — Marriage/Domestic Partnership (form FL-100). Ensure you have all the information to file this document, such as basic marriage information and your spousal support and property requests. 


Another important form you must submit is a summons (form FL-110). You need them mostly to notify the other spouse that the court case for filing for divorce in California has been started. 


Typically, the other spouse has around 30 days to respond. If you have children who are younger than 18, your spouse and you must fill out Declaration under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) (form FL-105). Please note that if you fill out all the forms, you will be known as the petitioner.


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3. Identify whether you need the court

If you have been wondering how to file for divorce in California online, you need to check whether you need any decision from the court immediately. 


Sample questions must concern the children's location and whether financial support from your spouse will be required. It is always recommended to clear these questions at the beginning of filing for divorce in the California process. 


Please note that the process of inquiring about a temporary order from the court requires you to fill out more forms.

4. Check additional documentation requirements in your local court

Depending on the county, you might need additional forms to fill out. Make sure you have checked all the documentation requirements of your local court before filing for divorce in California.

5. Make copies of all the documents

This point is also essential to know how to file for divorce in California. You will need two copies of all the documents mentioned above: one for you and the other for the defendant or the other spouse.

How to file for divorce in California online:

We always recommend using the website below to file for divorce in California:

California Self-Help Website | (

The website has all the information related to the subject of how to file for divorce in California. Additionally, the website has all the forms and summons that you will need to use to file for divorce in California.


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How Much does to File for Divorce in California Cost?

The answer to the question of how much to file for divorce in California costs varies greatly depending on several factors. When considering how much to file for divorce in California costs, you need to consider the fees imposed by the state and the county, attorney, and mediation fees.

Key takeaways: This article has covered all aspects of how to file for divorce in California. 


Additionally, with the help of this article, you will be able to collect all the information about how much to file for divorce in California costs and estimate the approximate amount of money your divorce will cost you.

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