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Arkansas Arrest Records: How to Find Arrest Records in Arkansas

Arkansas Arrest Records: How to Find Arrest Records in Arkansas
September 11, 2022

In the U.S state of Arkansas, an arrest record is the official report of an individual’s arrest or temporary detainment. It is a compilation of every criminal offense a person has been apprehended for in the state. 

The law enforcement agencies tasked with making the arrests are responsible for maintaining these records. Arkansas arrest records are public records, accessible to state residents, and provided under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (AFOIA).


The collection of public records in Arkansas was introduced in 1823 and includes arrest records from all 75 counties of the state. 
The Arkansas Crime Information Center (ACIC) is the state's central repository or database of all criminal records. 


According to Arkansas law (Ark. Code Ann. 12-12-1503(2)), arrest records maintained by the ACIC are solely felony arrests in which conviction and disposition information has not been entered into the central repository. The following are not included in ACIC arrest records:

Felony arrest records that are more than three years old from the date of arrest

Misdemeanour arrest records:

Felony arrest records of individuals whose cases were resolved by nolle prosequi, acquittal, or dismissal. 

handcuffs lying on an illustration of the Arkansas flag

Persons That Can Access Arrest Records in Arkansas:

Because arrest records are considered public information in Arkansas, residents and every interested party have the right to request arrest records without providing any reason for their demand. This includes friends, family, employers, colleagues, and other interested persons. 

Members of the public also have the right to request arrest records from the Arkansas Crime Information Centre (ACIC). However, in situations where such requests relate to arrest records under the custody of the ACIC, which are drawn from the Arkansas criminal history record or FBI/National record. 


In such circumstances, only authorized bodies permitted by law or bearing the signed consent of the arrestee can obtain such information. 

How to Correct Errors in Arkansas Arrest Records:

Arkansas makes provisions for corrections in cases where there are mistakes in an arrest record. You can challenge an inaccurate arrest record by visiting or contacting the arresting agency. The right to challenge an inaccurate record is provided under Ark. Code Ann. 12-12-1013. 

No fee is charged is for this process. If the error was found in the subject’s criminal history record, the subject will need to be fingerprinted at a law enforcement agency. The fingerprints will be matched against those contained in the file. 

Where there is no match, the erroneous information will be deleted and the record updated. Further inquiries can be directed to the administrator of the ACIC Criminal History Division or (501) 682-2222. 

a woman's handcuffed hands behind her back

How to Find Arrest Records in Arkansas:

In Arkansas, persons searching for arrest records can employ different techniques to achieve that end. These techniques are further discussed below:

Requesting for Arrest Records Directly from the Arresting Law Enforcement Agency 

To obtain arrest records from such agencies, start by finding their contact information to inquire or visit their physical office. The modalities for application differ from one county to the other. 

Ashley County requires interested persons to provide personal information such as full name, age, address, and reason (s) for application. This is provided alongside the details of the subject, such as booking number, full name, etc. 

You will also be required to make payments, and your results will be sent by mail, fax, or email.

Finding Arkansas Arrest Records Through the Arkansas Crime Information Center (ACIC)

Civilians and authorized bodies qualified by law can apply for a person’s criminal history from the ACIC to obtain their arrest records. The distinguishing factor between both is that while the former can only access arrest details provided under the AFOIA, an authorized body can search for arrest records only with the authorization of the law or the subject's consent. 


The former does not need the subject's statutory backing or permission to obtain the record. Persons looking for arrest records must utilize the Arkansas Criminal History (ARCH) system provided by the ACIC. The platform charges a non-refundable fee of $24 per search, payable by credit or debit card. 

Meanwhile, authorized entities can use hand-deliver or mail form (ASP-122) or the Online Criminal Background Check System to obtain the information. The online background check system costs $22 per search or $11 per search for volunteers. The mail or in-person application costs $25 per request. 

Some of the relevant addresses include:

* Physical address:
Arkansas State Police Headquarters,
One State Police Plaza Drive,
Little Rock, AR 72209,

* Telephone: (501) 618-8000

* Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Monday-Friday)

* Mailing address:
Arkansas State Police Identification Bureau,
1 State Police Plaza Drive,
Little Rock, AR 72209

a gloved hand holding a magnifying glass on top of a paper with fingerprints

Arrest Records Arkansas: Searching Online

You can also visit the website of the county sheriffs. The sheriff’s office provides records or logs of recent arrests on its official sites. This is usually conducted with any fee, though disclosed information may be minimal. 


To get the full arrest report, some counties require payments to be made using a check, cash, or money order. After that, your report will be sent by fax, email, or mail. 


Arkansas arrest records are public documents considered non-confidential and can be retrieved by members of the public. The records include the subject's address, name, DOB, phone number, social security number, etc. Start your Arkansas arrest record search using any of the techniques mentioned above!

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