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Alabama Court Records Search: Details on Alabama

Alabama Court Records Search: Details on Alabama
June 12, 2022

One in three Americans has a court record stored somewhere. Hypothetically, every third person you have met has had experience with courts either as a party or a person assigned by the party. Nonetheless, we want to get as much information about the person as possible, a private acquaintance or a business partner. 


This is why this article will explore all the options of running the Alabama court records search, who is eligible to do that, and how to perform the Alabama court search to get the fastest results.

a gavel on a stack of leather bound books

What are Alabama court records?


Before examining the process of running an Alabama court records search, let us define the term "Alabama court records." The minute a lawsuit is filed against somebody, it becomes a court record. Typical Alabama civil court records contain the following information:


• The defendant and plaintiff's name and last name.

• Brief description of the case.

• The date the lawsuit was filed.


Each record can be either public or confidential. All the court records accessible to the public belong to the public Alabama court records, whereas records hidden from the public eye are classified as confidential. 


Whether the Alabama civil court records are confidential or public is defined by the judge and depends on the case. However, there are exceptions: some public records may contain confidential information, which will then be extracted from public access or vice versa.


a gavel on a stack of paper files

Typically, examples of confidential cases include "juvenile dependency" and "juvenile delinquency." Alabama civil court records on "juvenile dependency" contain records of cases where the child is removed from their parents, whereas the "juvenile delinquency" court cases showcase the accusations that a child has committed a crime. In any of the cases mentioned above, Alabama court records are confidential.


There are two options for storing Alabama civil court records: on paper or electronically.  


How can I find Alabama court information?


If the Alabama court records of your interest are stored physically on paper at the courthouse, then your only option would be to physically arrive at the courthouse and request access to the files. 


However, if your Alabama court records are kept in digital form, there are two options for how you can access them.


paper files wrapped with clips

The first option would be to check whether your Alabama court search showed that the court where the case was held offers remote access to Alabama civil court records. If so, you could quickly run an Alabama court records search from home. 


All you need is a computer, laptop, phone, or tablet with internet access. Important: you must be eligible to remotely run the Alabama court records search. Another option would be to physically arrive at the courthouse and run the Alabama court information search on the devices provided by the court.

Where to run the Alabama court records search?


If you want to find out the most, when searching for Alabama court information, we highly recommend using both Alabama private and official government platforms.


To run the research on the official government websites, such as Alabama Judicial Branch, you need to identify the following two things:

Identify the type of your case


If the case you need to search for Alabama court information that falls under the criminal justice system, you need to be the party of the case. However, it is noticeably easier to run the public Alabama court records search.

Find your Alabama court


By visiting the Judicial Branch of Alabama's website (, you can easily find the court where your particular case has been held. As a rule, running an Alabama court search does not take longer than 5 minutes.


a judge hitting a gavel

However, using fast background check websites, like, can help you find more information about the parties involved in the case. For instance, parties` dates of birth and contact information, education, and work history records might help you get a bigger picture of the case.


Who is eligible to run the Alabama court records search?


Before running an Alabama civil court records search, you need to establish whether you are eligible.


To obtain access to the public Alabama court records, you must be one of the following groups:


• Party in the case. In this case, you will be able to run an Alabama court records search with both public and confidential records.


• Person Authorized by a Party: a Party might need somebody to help them handle the case. In this case, a person authorized by a party can perform an Alabama court records search. However, this does not apply to electronic records of criminal, juvenile justice, and child welfare cases.


• Court-appointed People, Legal Aid, and Government Staff can access public Alabama civil court records remotely if the court has such an option.



Key takeaways: Before running an Alabama court records search, the person needs to establish whether they are eligible to do that. Unless you are the party in the case, the judge defines this. 


Alabama civil court records search can be run inside the courthouse and remotely if the court offers such a possibility. Alabama court search can be implemented on official government websites, such as the website of the Judicial Alabama Brunch.

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