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Wisconsin Marriage Records Search

Wisconsin Marriage Records Search
November 6, 2022

On average, around 33 thousand couples tie the knot annually in Wisconsin. Besides religious and ideological reasons, people also decide to get married because of the spousal benefits. 


Once the couple obtains their Wisconsin marriage records, they can purchase property, immigrate, or apply for spousal benefits. 


All these procedures require the submission of Wisconsin marriage records, which is why requestors need to know how to find marriage records online in Wisconsin. 


This article will cover all aspects of running a Wisconsin marriage records search online, along with running a free marriage records search.

Wisconsin Marriage Records

Generally, Wisconsin marriage records are represented by two types of documents: marriage license and marriage certificate. The marriage license must be obtained no later than 60 days before the marriage. 


Once a local county clerk issues the document, the couple is authorized to get married. On the contrary, the second document representing the Wisconsin marriage records search, a marriage certificate, is issued on the day of the ceremony. 

a gavel and two wedding bands on a marriage contract


A marriage certificate is considered official proof of marriage because it also contains information on the date and place of marriage. 


Additionally, the marriage certificate contains all the relevant information about the spouses and the witnesses, their occupations, and their religious denomination. 


These Wisconsin marriage records are stored in the local health departments and can be easily obtained.

Who Is Eligible to Run a Wisconsin Marriage Records Search?

According to state law, marriage records in Wisconsin are public records. This means that everybody older than 18 years can run a Wisconsin marriage records search. 


One must not be directly related to the parties whose marriage records in Wisconsin they want to obtain. As a rule, being of age does not enable Wisconsin marriage records search. One also needs to consider the following two steps:

1. Free to download or amend Wisconsin marriage records online

The county estimates the fee amount, which contains the Wisconsin marriage records. Additionally, the fee depends on the service requested: downloading and amending the Wisconsin marriage records online charges different fees.

a magnifying glass on a computer keyboard

2. Written application to run a Wisconsin marriage records search

The potential requestor is asked to complete the written application to run a Wisconsin marriage records search. Most U.S. states offer the possibility to fill up an existing PDF request directly on the state website.


The form contains information about the requestor and the spouses whose marriage records in Wisconsin the requestor is aiming to obtain. 


Additionally, information regarding the relationship to the spouses must be mentioned, along with why a requestor wants to run a Wisconsin marriage records search. Please note if the ID-, or passport photo is not attached, you will be denied running a Wisconsin marriage records search. 


However, all you have to do in that case is apply for the second time, attaching all the written permissions to run Wisconsin marriage records search from the spouses. 


You will be granted permission to find all the marriage records in Wisconsin of your choice.

How to Find Marriage Records Online in Wisconsin?

Knowing you are eligible to run a Wisconsin marriage records search, you might be interested in how to obtain Wisconsin marriage records. 


Marriage records in Wisconsin can be obtained in many ways: online, via phone, email, or regular mail. 


Finding Wisconsin marriage records online is one of the easiest and fastest ways. If you are wondering how to find marriage records online in Wisconsin, check the websites below.

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Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | (

If you are interested in running a free marriage records search, check the CDC website and find the essential information about marriage records in Wisconsin online. 


The CDC website does not allow the direct download and correction of Wisconsin marriage records online. Still, it gives you access to all the information essential to run it online or offline. 


All the information regarding the fees and addresses of the Wisconsin state Department of health can be found there.

Wisconsin Department of Health Services Website | (

Although the website does not offer a possibility to run a free marriage records search, you can find all the marriage records in Wisconsin there. 


All you have to know is the names of the spouses and the date and county where the marriage occurred. 


The website allows the correction and download of the existing Wisconsin marriage records online if the abovementioned requirements have been implemented.

Independent Platform | (

Such independent platforms as allow us to complement the Wisconsin marriage records search with the essential background information on the spouses in the Wisconsin marriage records search. 


The website will help you find your employment and education background, administrative or criminal records, and contact information.

If you are still unsure how to find marriage records online in Wisconsin, contact a local health department or a county court.

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