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Pennsylvania Marriage Records Search

Pennsylvania Marriage Records Search
October 2, 2022

The state of Pennsylvania is divided into 67 counties, every one of which records Pennsylvania marriage records since 1885. 


What makes the marriage records in Pennsylvania different from the marriage records of other states is that certified copies of marriage records are not sent to the state. 


So why are Pennsylvania marriage records so vital? Couples who have experienced going through the immigration, property purchase, or child custody process will be required to submit the Pennsylvania marriage records. 


This article will explain the definition of the Pennsylvania marriage records and who is eligible to run a Pennsylvania marriage records search. 


Additionally, topics on how to find marriage records online in Pennsylvania and what the options are to run a free marriage records search will also be examined further in this article.

a gavel and two wedding bands on a marriage contract

Pennsylvania Marriage Records

Once the couple has decided to get married, they will be required to receive a marriage license, which proves the lack of legal and health obstructions for the couple to get married. 


Important: the marriage ceremony should occur no later than 60 days once the marriage license has been issued. The marriage certificate is published on the wedding day. 


As a rule, the information mentioned on the marriage certificate includes: 

- Names of the Spouses
- Birth Dates of the Spouses
- Addresses (Residence)
- Occupation of the Spouses
- Parent's Full Names
- Witnesses' Names
- Name of Officiating Minister of Registrar
- Religious Denomination of the Spouses
- Place and Date of the Ceremony
Please note that most legal institutions perceive marriage certificates as official Pennsylvania marriage records proof, not the marriage license.

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Who Is Eligible to Run a Pennsylvania Marriage Records Search?

As stated on the official state website, Pennsylvania marriage records are public information. 


This means that Pennsylvania marriage records can be accessed by everybody older than 18. 


The only prerequisites to run a Pennsylvania marriage records search are the fee and the written request. 


If the fee for finding some of the Pennsylvania marriage records online has not been paid in advance, the Pennsylvania marriage records search cannot be performed. 


The fee size strictly depends on the county and the type of service requested: download of the marriage records in Pennsylvania and amendment of the existing Pennsylvania marriage records will cost differently. 


Whereas a typically written request to run a Pennsylvania marriage records search must contain the following information:

- Personal and contact information of the requestor
- Personal data of the party whose name is on the record
- Relationship between the requestor and the party on the record (e.g., father, mother, son, daughter, husband, sibling, aunt, uncle, grandparent, legal guardian, etc.)
- The reason for the request (e.g., insurance proceeds, authentication, death benefits, private purposes, etc.)
- The date of marriage
- The place of marriage
- Scope of search required (statewide or county limited)
- The photo from either of the following documents: driver's license, state-issued, nondriver photo-ID card, passport, or U.S. Military-issued ID

In most cases, a written request form can be downloaded from the state's official website.

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How to Find Marriage Records Online in Pennsylvania

Marriage records in Pennsylvania can be obtained in several different ways: either in person, via phone, mail, or email. 


However, there is also a possibility to request Pennsylvania marriage records online.


Nonetheless, there are not so many opportunities to run a free marriage records search. Some of the best tools to run a Pennsylvania marriage records search are listed below:

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | (

The CDC is usually one of the best tools to run a free marriage records search. 


The website offers all the information about the fees and the locations of the state’s health offices, where you could run a free marriage records search. 

State Library of Pennsylvania Website | (

The State Library of Pennsylvania website is the only tool out of the three mentioned websites that enables a direct Pennsylvania marriage records search. 


Pennsylvania marriage records can be downloaded directly on the website. 


The fee per downloaded record varies depending on where these Pennsylvania marriage records are located. 


Ensure you have all the information needed for a written request to run Pennsylvania marriage records search before opening a website.

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Independent Platform | (

Although the CDC and the state websites provide explicit information about Pennsylvania marriage records, you might be interested in acquiring additional information on the parties mentioned in the Pennsylvania marriage records. 


Using such independent search engines as you will be able to obtain the following information:

• Employment and Education History
• Contact Information
• Civil and Criminal Court Records (if applicable)

This article has shed light on how to find marriage records online in Pennsylvania and has given the free tools to run a free marriage records search. 


If you have more questions about finding marriage records online in Pennsylvania, contact the vital records office via phone or email. 

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