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New York Case Search: Details on Retrieval of New York Case Records

New York Case Search: Details on Retrieval of New York Case Records
May 29, 2022

The lyrics of the very famous song of Frank Sinatra, "Start spreading the news, I'm leaving today, I want to be a part of it, New York, New York…" might sound differently when we mention them in the context of the New York criminal case search. New York, a Big Apple, city of dreams and opportunities, is also known for the number of civil and criminal cases that were held there. 


The city is loved by celebrities who have gone through legal disputes with their colleagues, partners, or loved ones. If you know somebody who is currently involved in a court case, or you are an attorney-to-be, or you want to check all the details on any of the celebrities' cases, this article is for you!


What is the New York case search?


Every case ever taken to court has been recorded and stored in either electronic or paper form. To put it simply, every single lawsuit that has ever been filed has been written down, which is known as a record. 


Each record contains the contact details of the plaintiff/petitioner (the one who initiates the case) and defendant/ respondent (who must defend themselves in court) and the key information about the case.



the front of a courthouse


Whenever you run the New York court case search, you want to find some court records on any particular case. You need to keep in mind that not all records can be revealed to you when implementing the New York case search. 


For instance, running a New York criminal case search will only be efficient if you are either a Party involved in the case or an attorney of the Party. However, the New York state case search, which concerns civil cases, can be more successful.


Even though the majority of the civil cases allow the public to run the New York Court case search, some cases may be hidden from the public eye. 


For instance, the records of "juvenile dependency" cases that contain records of cases where the child is removed from their parents and the "juvenile delinquency" cases, which showcase the accusations that a child has committed a crime, will not be shown to the public.


Additionally, if the Judge decides that certain information might undermine the person's privacy right, certain records will not appear after the case search. New York Judge may also announce a typically "confidential" case "public" if the case itself received too much public attention and many parties are involved.


a man in a suit signing a paper


Who can run the New York case search?


Generally, the following parties have the right to conduct the case search. New York court must give access to the court records to the following groups of people if it has not been stated otherwise:


• Party or persons authorized by a Party

If there is no other restriction, Parties can run the New York Court case search both remotely and at the courthouse. Additionally, people who have been appointed by the Party for help are also eligible to run the New York state case search.


• Party's Attorney

The attorney of the Party may use remote access to conduct the New York case search.


a gavel on a stack of paper files

• Court-appointed People and Legal Aid Staff

These groups of people are also allowed to run a New York Court case search unless stated otherwise by the court.


• Government Staff

State and local government agencies often run the New York court case search or the New York criminal case search to perform government functions.


Where can you run the New York case search?


There are a few ways how you can run the New York Court case search. Depending on the type how the records of your case are stored, you have the following options:


• Request to run the New York case search on paper records at the courthouse

Physically coming to the courthouse and asking to run the case search, New York courts offer such a possibility to the public depending on the case and your eligibility.


glasses lying on a stack of paper files


• Request to run the New York court case search electronically from the courthouse

This one also requires you to physically arrive at the courthouse and ask to run the New York state case search from the device that belongs to the courthouse and has internet access.


• Run the New York case search remotely

Depending on the court where the case is held, there is a possibility to run the New York Court case search remotely. All you need is an internet connection and access to the court's database (if the given New York court offers such a possibility).


This article has examined who, when, and how can perform the New York court case search. If you are not sure whether you are eligible to run the New York state case search, contact the Judge at the given court of your interest!

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